What do the BEST sales leaders do differently?
The Top 10 Traits of the Most Successful Sales Leaders…
(part 2 of a 3 part series)
The best sale leaders operate differently, and below is a list of HOW they operate differently. They make sales leadership look easy…but we all know it’s not!BTW, I’ll be covering this topic in my FB live on Thursday, 4/15 at 11:30-12. In there, I’ll share a few stories to demonstrate what your peers are doing that make them exceptional sales leaders. To join: Here’s a link: https://fb.me/e/XEvuCFF4The TOP 10 TRAITS of the BEST SALES LEADERS:Last week we covered the first 3 traits: here’s last week’s blog if you missed it:https://ktsrockstars.com/top-traits-of-the-best-sales-leaders/1. They INSPIRE others. 2. They BUILD RELATIONSHIPS with others.3. They consistently COACH and DEVELOP others.THIS WEEK we review traits 4-7:4. They CREATE ACCOUNTABILITY SYSTEMS for their teams:
They set clear expectations and high standards for themselves and their team.They meet their team members monthly to review their stats and hold them accountable- celebrating their successes, problem solving the issues, and addressing poor performance.They publish scorecards and ranking systems to foster healthy competition.
5. They COMMUNICATE consistently and frequently:
They share their vision and purpose, and explain how it impacts every team member.They create goals and regularly communicate updates.They don’t shy away from sharing bad news, but they do explain the situation and next steps.They communicate hope, confidence and focus, even in the path of challenges.They LISTEN to their team, and hear not just what they say, but also what they don’t say.
They understand the steps to driving sales.They’re acutely focused on these steps Every. Single. Day.They set their team up for success.They remove obstacles that prevent success.They stretch the targets, they ask, “what’s possible?” and they inspire their team to exceed expectations.They’re relentless at fostering skill development for themselves and their team.
7. They’re Masters of TIME MANAGEMENT:
They prioritize their responsibilities and tasks, and invest the most time in the high impact activities.They delegate the right tasks to the right people.They eliminate the non essential.They protect their calendar and say NO gracefully.They recognize their “high energy” hours, and use them wisely.They make appointments with themselves for self care, and stick to them.They create boundaries.
While I believe that we all “know” these are things we should be doing, sometimes we’re so busy and have fallen into the same old “habits,” and it takes a tap on the shoulder to remind us to actually DO them. The stories I’ll share in the FB lives are some examples of how some of your peers were reminded of these things in our coaching sessions, and the steps they took and how it helped them to be dramatically more effective.
Join me to hear more details and examples of the TOP TRAITS of the BEST SALES LEADERS Series:Thursdays, 11:30-12pm, ET in my Facebook Live Page…Kathy Tucker Coaching & Consulting.https://www.facebook.com/ktsrockstarsApril 15: TOP TRAITS of the BEST SALES LEADERS part 2.April 22: TOP TRAITS of the BEST SALES LEADERS part 3.
In our Sales Leadership Academy Program, 9 Steps to Leading a Rock Star Sales Team, we go in depth on all of these topics and more. If you or someone you know would like to learn more, visit: http://www.kathytuckercoaching.com. A new Group Masterclass starts in May, contact me at kathy@kathytuckercoaching.com for more info and to get on the VIP list.PS. If you know a sales leader who would enjoy this, please share.PPS. If you’re new to my writing and would like to receive my weekly blog, sign up here: https://mailchi.mp/5cdcfd058197/kathytuckercoaching
Kathy is a corporate Homebuilding Sales Leader turned Sales and Leadership Coach. She started in new home sales, worked many years as VP of sales, working her way up to Division President of a national homebuilder. In 2018, instead of retiring, she founded Kathy Tucker Coaching & Consulting to help builders and real estate companies develop top producing sales teams and brilliant sales leaders who foster a healthy, high-performance sales culture.Kathy offers: The Sales Leadership Academy: A 12-week Leadership Program: 9 Steps to Leading a Rock Star Sales Team. Offered weekly in a 1:1 or a Masterclass setting. Next program starts in May.Virtual Sales Training Workshops: The Art of Selling New Homes 1:1 Coaching for Sales Professionals and Sales Leaders
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