
Have you ever had one of your top new home sales people move to a new community and struggle?

This happens.  A lot.

Often our top sales people demand very little time and attention from us.  But when they sell out of a neighborhood.  Or when we want their expertise elsewhere, we move them to a new community, knowing they’ll knock ’em dead there too.

But then, even the best sales people tend to spend the first couple weeks in a new community “nesting.”  Setting up their desk.  Re-organizing their files. Getting familiar with the community, the homesites, the competition.   Most managers despise this nesting time, because sales suffer.

But ROCK STAR leaders understand there’s a reason for the nesting, and there’s something they can do to minimize this nesting time and help the sales rep get back on top more quickly.

ROCK STAR leaders understand the complexities of Change:

Change creates unfamiliarity. Unfamiliarity creates a lack of competence.Lack of competence creates a lack of confidence.The lack of confidence creates a lack of sales.

The Rock Star Sales Leaders realize they have placed their sales person in a new situation, and their sales person needs time to learn and build their competence to understand this new buyer, the new location, the new product, etc.

So they provide their sales person with more direction than typical, to expedite the learning curve.  They share information.  They identify priorities, establish a clear structure of what the next steps are and set a timeline for the learning.

And, they provide more support than normal, to build their confidence.  They check in more regularly.  What else do they need?  How can they make the transition easier. They know that if they provide the right type of leadership,  it will only take a short time to get them back to a high level of performance again.

This concept holds true for any change:  a new CRM, a new policy, a new skill.  Even the best sales people need clear direction and support from their manager, and time to learn the new system and practice it so they become competent and confident and are able to implement it consistently and correctly.

Competence and Confidence go hand in hand.

Build their competence and confidence, and sales will follow.

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Kathy Tucker Coaching & Consulting is a boutique sales and leadership training company specializing in helping builders and real estate companies develop top producing sales teams and brilliant sales leaders who foster a healthy, high-performance sales culture.

After over 25 years leading top-producing sales teams with the nation’s leading homebuilders, Kathy saw many sales leaders being under-trained or burning out, or wanting to get to the next level of their career but not knowing how to do it. So she started her coaching business to help sales managers learn the systems and skills to take their performance to the next level and THRIVE in the role of the sales leader.

Work with Kathy:

Virtual Sales Training Workshops, 1:1 Coaching for Sales Professionals and Sales Leaders, and her Signature Leadership Program: 9 Steps to Leading a Rock Star Sales Team.

LEARN MORE about Sales Training and Leadership Programs  Sub Text

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